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Elphi Plaza Guided Tour

Quick Information

Map Marker  Meeting point: Baumwall subway station (exit towards Kehrwiederspitze/entrance Kehrwiederspitze). At the bottom of the stairs in front of the “Back Shop” (kiosk) under the railway bridge.

 End of  tour: Elbphilharmonie Plaza




(0-6 years)


Private group price


Private group price (with Plaza tour)


Important information:

  • The concert halls are not visited on this tour.
  • Rarely, and only on special occasions (mainly for security reasons) the Elbphilharmonie reserves the right not to allow access to the Plaza. In this case, we will repay a part of the amount as quickly as possible.
  • On this tour you get the opportunity to visit Elphi Plaza without queuing.


  • Listen to the unique insider knowledge of the certified tour guide
  • Take the curved escalator to the Elbphilharmonie Plaza
  • Enjoy a unique view over the city and the gigantic harbor
  • Get to Elphi Plaza without waiting


Spectacular atmosphere around Hamburg’s new landmark and world-famous concert hall with a certified tour guide

Discover the Elbphilharmonie with all its facets with us. The tour starts at Baumwall subway station. From there you can already feel the unique atmosphere and breathtaking charisma of the Elbphilharmonie. Your certified tour guide shares entertaining anecdotes and extensive insider knowledge with you. Take the world’s longest curved escalator up to the observation deck – the Plaza – and enjoy the breathtaking view.

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